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  • I'm currently a Community Peace Officer. How do I become an Alberta Peace Officer?
    An Alberta Peace Officer typically has more authorities and therefore requires a higher level of training than a Community Peace Officer. To become an Alberta Peace Officer, even if you are already a Community Peace Officer, you will need to complete the induction program at Alberta Justice and Solicitor General's Training Academy.
  • Are your Peace Officer Programs accredited?
    The Alberta Peace Officer training programs have been reviewed by the Alberta Justice Academy numerous times. It has been approved by the Academy is recognized by Alberta Justice and Solicitor General as meeting all training requirements for the respective programs. It is in the final stages and Pending Accreditation by Alberta Justice.
  • What happens if I can't complete my online training by the deadline?
    Unfortunately, if you can't complete your online training in time, you will be unable to participate in the in-person training and therefore complete the Bridging Program.
  • What if I'm having a hard time passing my PARE test?
    If you haven't been able to pass your PARE test, we recommend contacting Blue Line Fitness Testing in Edmonton. They have coaching and workshops available, as well as extra practice time to build up your physical skills so you can pass!
  • I'm an Alberta Peace Officer. How do I become a Community Peace Officer?
    As an Alberta Peace Officer, you will have already received the majority of the training that you need to work as an Alberta Peace Officer and as a Community Peace Officer. If you want to start working for a municipality or organization rather than the Alberta government, you will need to check what the authorities and training requirements are for the specific position you want to apply for. For example, if the community peace officer position you are applying for has traffic authorities and therefore requires Traffic Stops training, you may need to take this additional course to ensure you have all the requirements. Tip of Spear will be offering standalone courses, such as Traffic Stops, for situations like this in the near future.
  • What other physical tests are approved for Peace Officers, besides the PARE?
    The Peace Officer Program Policy and Procedures Manual identifies the physical assessment tests that are accepted as: Correctional Officer Physical Aptitude Test (COPAT) Police Officer Physical Aptitude Test (POPAT) Alberta Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police (APREP) From time to time other tests are assessed by Alberta Justice and Solicitor General.
  • Do I have to complete the online learning portion prior to taking the in-class physical training?
    Yes. The online training provides the foundational theory that you will have an opportunity to use and practice in the physical training. All concepts are interleaved to maximize participant retention.
  • What is your refund policy?
    Full refunds will be issued for courses if: less than 10% of the online course was completed, AND the refund was requested within 15 days of purchase Partial refunds may be granted at the discretion of Tip of Spear Inc.
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